miércoles, 6 de enero de 2021

 party mom blak

good morney today  let´s talk the party mom blak o mama negra the moom blak is holiday in honor to the virgin of the mercedes and by independece of latacunga  and character principal the party in mom blak always personalized for men with one face completely change dressed with garments rich formal and colorful 

¿what in blak mom in ecuador?

he festival mom blak takes finished in latacunaga it is one os the betefuil and traditional of ecuador 

suits  blak mom

 the suits colorful are he caracter principal of this celebretion the blak mom dresses

-multicolored espadrilles

who in blak mom

the blak mom as the others ladys it is not women neither  or blak woman and that makes  her figure i know  much  popular  and atractive  the city

character of blak mom

in the celebretion popular of blak mom there is a series of character  or elements of blak mom in the call holy trinyti a representecion thatrical  the character are 

-the calling star angel
-the moorish king 
-blak mom
-the lamentable blaks 

music of blak mom

in festival the blok mom it´a nice concedence among the cevilisacion indigemas africanas y españolas in te music calvero

party blak mom

  Your devotees are here to form a crown for you.
Some come from far away, the distance does not matter.
Your sweetness attracts us, your smile transports us.
Around your hermitage, tender songs sing
This town that loves you which you deserve, Lady.
Your children of Latacunga love you more than a jewel,
they carry you in their heart; Mother, you will never be alone.
There we will be with you as in your hermitage now.
Oh! Virgen de las Mercedes, from Latacunga patron saint.
Long live the devotee ...! "
This procession passes through the streets of Latacunga dancing and singing to the rhythm of the typical bands until midnight, when the "Misa de la Gallina" is celebrated. Then all the people go to the prioste's house, where his wife feeds and waters the visitors.
La Mama Negra Ecuador, It is believed that this colorful celebration arose after the Cotopaxi volcanic eruption that occurred in 1742 when the first procession was held with gratitude to the Virgen de las Mercedes for the protection that she had established in the city.
Another theory defines the main origin of the black breast in the festive events organized by blacks to celebrate their liberation from slavery in 1851 when General José María Urbina, after taking power, decided on her absolute memory. It is said that the blacks believed that this event occurred thanks to the intervention of the Virgin of Mercy and established this party as a tribute to her honor.
The Virgin of Mercedes or the Holy Tragedy, declared Patrons and Lawyer or "Virgin of the volcano", is the one that is celebrated with the hope of protecting the city from new eruptions

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